Other Recent Publications

E-cigarettes versus nicotine patches for perioperative smoking cessation: a pilot randomized trial

Lee SM, Tenney R, Wallace AW, Arjomandi M.

PeerJ 6:e5609


Marijuana Use, Respiratory Symptoms, and Pulmonary Function: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Ghasemiesfe M, Ravi D, Vali M, Korenstein D, Arjomandi M, Frank J, Austin PC, Keyhani S.

Ann Intern Med. 2018;169(2):106-115. DOI: 10.7326/M18-0522. PMID: 29971337.


Cardiovascular function and ozone exposure: The Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES)

Rich DQ, Balmes JR, Frampton MW, Zareba W, Stark P, Arjomandi M, Hazucha MJ, Costantini MG, Ganz P, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Bromberg PA.

Environ Int. 2018 Jun 29; 119:193-202. PMID: 29980042.


Lung volumes identify an at-risk group in persons with prolonged secondhand tobacco smoke exposure but without overt airflow obstruction

Arjomandi M, Zeng S, Geerts J, Stiner RK, Bos B, van Koeverden I, Keene J, Elicker B, Blanc PD, Gold WM.

BMJ Open Respir Res. 2018 May 5;5(1):e000284. doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2018-000284.


Increasing the Resolution of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Definition. Lessons from a Cohort with Remote but Extensive Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke

Arjomandi M, Zeng S, Blanc PD, Gold WM.

Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 Apr; 15(Supplement_2):S122-S123. PMID: 29676628.


Respiratory Responses to Ozone Exposure: The Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES)

Arjomandi M, Balmes JR, Frampton MW, Bromberg P, Rich DQ, Stark P, Alexis NE, Costantini M, Hollenbeck-Pringle D, Dagincourt N, Hazucha MJ.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Dec 12. PMID: 29232153.